About LCF

Lynchburg Covenant Fellowship (LCF) seeks to serve Lynchburg and surrounding communities through new and innovative ventures, with special emphasis on experimental ministries, giving priority to our mission among groups of persons excluded from the usual opportunities of cultural and economic advancement. We believe in the dignity and infinite value of every person, and in the need for all to understand and help one another.

Mission Statement

The mission of Lynchburg Covenant Fellowship is to provide affordable housing and resources to a diverse community including disadvantaged individuals, families, the elderly, and those with intellectual and physical challenges, to enable them to live with dignity in safe, well-maintained properties throughout Central Virginia.

Vision Statement

Lynchburg Covenant Fellowship is guided by the Judeo-Christian ethic of compassionate commitment to and advocacy for the poor with a view to building an inclusive community in Central Virginia marked by diversity, equal opportunity, fairness and social justice for all humanity and respect for God’s creation. We are called to be a catalyst for emerging ministries, taking risks to address human needs.


Lynchburg Covenant Fellowship (LCF) was formed in 1950. It is a non-profit, tax-exempt, charitable and educational organization, with the purpose of promoting Judeo-Christian fellowship, and extending religious faith, witness, and action on a non-denominational, ecumenical basis for persons of all age levels. It seeks to provide a channel for cooperative programs of community service and uplift, to establish task forces working for constructive social change, and to serve as a catalyst to bring together congregations, groups, and individuals in shared and common undertakings that will transcend the usual and stubborn barriers of social and economic class, race, and prejudice.

A resident of Lynchburg High Apartment

John Doe

Many of the programs in which LCF was engaged through the years were centered at the old Kum-Ba-Yah Ecumenical Center. Thirty congregations of nine denominations and faiths joined in sponsorship of pre-school children’s groups, share programs for children of all ages on a one-to-one friendship basis, classes in home-making skills, sewing, cooking, personal development; arts and crafts, music, drama, scouting, recreation, and many other cultural experiences. Other programs included counseling with delinquent and pre-delinquent youths, seminars and workshops in the study of urban problems and poverty, special interest dialogue groups, work parties for renovation of deteriorating inner-city properties, an advocacy program for families, an emergency wood program, an after-school program for children, and a summer day camp program where more than 300 children of various economic levels were brought together in an enriching experience of sharing, learning, friendship, and fun.

Lynchburg Covenant Fellowship is governed and directed by a self-perpetuating board of 20 dedicated persons from a wide cross-section of the community’s life. The organization is dependent for financial support on voluntary gifts of individuals, foundations, denominational bodies, congregations, businesses, industries, and other groups. We believe that public and private sectors working together can make a tremendous difference in our community and beyond.